Welcome to the Currently Obsessed Club.

Currently Obsessed is a podcast about everything, because everything is obsessable! We are so happy to have you here, obsessing about everything right along with us.



About Us

CHRISTINE is currently serving as the Toastmasters Founder’s District Club Growth Director. As a District Leader, Christine works hard to build new clubs and help existing clubs increase their existing membership. In her work life, Christine works as a Contracts Specialist for a National Transportation Analytics firm, where she performs complex analysis and negotiation of contract documents. Some of her obsessions include: playing ukulele, indoor rowing, and her hairless guinea pigs Lucille Bald and Betty Stubble.

DANIELLE is a book marketing consultant, freelance editor, and future author and enjoys working in the book publishing industry at all angles. In her free time, she serves as a Toastmasters leader in Founder’s District, devoting her unique skills to develop dynamic communicators and exceptional leaders. Plus, she regularly devours books of all kinds and shares her opinions and insights on her blog. Some of her obsessions include: post-hardcore music, co-ed soccer, and all things crimson.

ON JANUARY 12, 2019, a Google Doc was born, and they’ve been #obsessed ever since. From initial brainstorming to the recording of Episode 01, C + D have collaborated on every aspect. Each week is a new adventure as they draw the curtain on their addictive personalities, whimsical pursuits, and tasty treats worth testing. Start listening to join the fun and support us on our Patreon page for exclusive extras!